
CPHMS Newsletter 3 – February 2022 Edition

CPHMS Newsletter 3 -February 2022 Edition Informational Video Blog Blog Tracking metabolites in microfluidic chips Read More How geometry drives patterning in organoids Read More Promoting cross-sectoral collaboration in microphysiological systems Read More

Promoting cross-sectoral collaboration in microphysiological systems

Microphysiological systems have been rapidly advancing in the last few years, bringing about a paradigm change in the areas of diagnostics, disease prevention and treatment. The use of these systems is also rapidly advancing in other sectors, such as cosmetics, food, medtech, etc. However, many of these industries often work in siloes, despite the fact …

Promoting cross-sectoral collaboration in microphysiological systems Read More »

How geometry drives patterning in organoids

Organoids have shown immense potential in mimicking human organs and development. Self-organisation of the stem cells is one of the critical processes underlying the organoid development. However, the lack of control in this event also gives rise to issues concerning reproducibility of the organoid cultures. This factor limits its broader adoption in academia and industry. …

How geometry drives patterning in organoids Read More »

Tracking metabolites in microfluidic chips

The recent decade has seen the rise of patient-derived microphysiological systems models that are paving the way for an efficient and personalized therapies for cancer and other diseases. In these specialized systems, it is often not possible to visualize and measure various culture conditions, including oxygen, metabolites etc. However, the cellular microenvironment is often key …

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CPHMS Multi-Stakeholder Roundtable Meeting

The last few decadeshave seen a rise in the development and regulations surrounding nonanimal and human-relevant technologies such as microphysiological systems (MPS), computational, and systems approach to drug discovery globally. While there has been an exponential increase in the interest and use of human-relevant methods, particularly MPS models in India, there have also been significant …

CPHMS Multi-Stakeholder Roundtable Meeting Read More »

CPHMS Newsletter 2 – November 2021 Edition

CPHMS Newsletter 2 – November 2021 Edition Editorial Informational Video Blog Upcoming events/Opportunities Editorial “Is it Time for Reviewer 3 to Request Human Organ Chip Experiments Instead of Animal Studies?” Dr. Donald Ingber, Director of the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University, wrote this controversially titled Report last year. It was based …

CPHMS Newsletter 2 – November 2021 Edition Read More »

The growth of computational simulations to support organ on chip development

Surat Parvatam Computational tools often help in studying complex parameters that are difficult to measure in experimental models, including fluid flow, stress, pressure, temperature, etc. In addition, they can also assist in optimising the design of a technology. This has led to their increased usage in the preclinical stages of drug discovery. In the last …

The growth of computational simulations to support organ on chip development Read More »

Using the brightest X-rays on Earth to image intact human organs

Surat Parvatam Imaging entire intact human organs to understand the spatial relationships and 3D morphology at a cellular scale is one of key goals of biomedical imaging. In recent years, several techniques have been used to image intact organs at various length scales; however, they are not without limitations.  Many techniques that provide single-cell resolution …

Using the brightest X-rays on Earth to image intact human organs Read More »